
Getting a good night’s sleep can have a transformative affect on our health. We all need at least 7.5 hours sleep per night (depending on age and lifestyle).

Research shows that poor sleep or not enough sleep can have a negative effect on our hormones, our metabolism, energy levels, focus, memory, emotions, and lower our immunity.

I often get clients tell me on their first consultation that they struggle with sleep, so I thought I’d write down some tips that might just make the difference between a restless broken sleep, or an effortless deep sleep.

Fresh Air - time spent outside daily is linked to lower stress levels, because breathing in fresh air increases our serotonin production, which can leave you feeling calm, and relaxed.

Daily exercise - but not before bed. Exercise is one of the best science-backed ways to improve your sleep as it boosts the effect of natural sleep hormones melatonin.

Bedroom - keep it for relaxing, sleep and making love . Try not to use it for screen time or watching TV. The ambience of your bedroom should promote comfort and rest, also dim the lights an hour before bed, this signals your brain to make melatonin which is the hormone that brings on sleep.

Food and Drink - avoid eating a meal within 2 -3 hours of bedtime. Also be aware that sugar, spicy food, acidic food caffeine and alcohol are all stimulants which will affect how well you sleep.

Sleep Ritual - having a bedtime routine can work wonders, so take time to unwind before bed; for example, listen to some relaxing music, read, meditate, do some gentle yoga stretches, have a relaxing bath, deep breathing or relaxation techniques such as yoga nidra, these all help to relax the mind.

Set Bed-Time - routine is so important to help set your body clock and circadian rhythm, which is the 24-hour internal clock that helps your body to function to optimum health.

Room Temperature - make sure you sleep in a cool room that is quiet and completely dark. Even the light from computers or clocks can send conflicting signals to your brain, so cover any light to stop it from interfering with your sleep.

Sweet dreams all

B xx


Weekend Retreat


2022 - The Year of Self-care