Evolve or Repeat?

I love the simplicity of this statement!

You are being presented with two choices: evolve or repeat?

If you choose to repeat;

You will remain unchanged. You will repeat the same routines the same thoughts, the same self limiting beliefs, the same situations and the same mind games over and over again. You will become a victim of your own circumstances. This means that you will continue to attract the same behaviour patterns and negative vibes into your life repeatedly - which is self sabotage!

However if you choose to evolve, you are choosing to take responsibility for your circumstance. You are more focussed and more aware of yourself. You are keen to let go of unhealthy habits and negative patterns. You are continually learning from past situations - including your own mistakes. You are courageous and wanting to explore what lies beyond your comfort zone. You are letting go of what no longer serves. You are taking care of you!

Evolving means that you are living your truth and allowing it to emanate from your whole being so that others feel uplifted and inspired when they are around you. You will attract new like minded people, places, and things into your life that will align with your own goals as well as beliefs.

Evolving is choosing to become the best, radiant, happiest, upgraded version of yourself. It means choosing to live your best life.

Personally, Ive made a quite a few healthy, positive shifts in my life over this past 18 months and I’m actually quite proud of myself - I shall be sharing some of this soon with a longer article that I’m writing so watch this space!


Let them work it out for themselves


People remember how you made them feel